
So glad to tell 2007 goodbye!!

2007 has been the roughest and most tell all year ever! Crazy huh? I have had so many gains and losses! God has brought me through so much this year and he deserves all the credit!!! First of all I want to say the most important gain is finding my personal relationship with God again...I've grown so much deeper with him this year and I'm happy to say that I'm back where I used to be with Christ but it's deeper! Another gain is my church...It ROCKS! I have never been in a church that I can say that I'm truly excited about going to. Yeah, I've always enjoyed going to church, but this church I get too pumped up about it, and I'm proud to say I'm a member. And believe it or not I invite everyone, including my doctors, coworkers, family and friends. Other gains, I got a new apartment by myself (no roomies),i turned 25 which is half of 50,i got new car(2007),a new cellphone, got my ears pierced for the first time ever, got my first tattoo, got a new job position at my company, started school, became cancer free, I also got out of a unhealthy three year relationship,and I gained a bunch of new friends. Now the losses....I lost my ex, which I realized he ended up being a gain, I lost my best friend Lori she moved to Texas, my best friend Jonell is moving to Dallas, I lost a lot of weight, my good friend Jordan moved to Florida. Good thing is I didn't loose my mind:)

Yeah it's been a crazy year but I really feel that 2008 is going to be better for me!