
Is it a full moon?

This afternoon was crazy at work.. first of all I was interupted during lunch to draw this ladies blood! When I brought her back she smelled the food and said she was hungry, ha...well after I drew her blood she said she was getting dizzy and and needed something to eat so I got her a breadstick and some diet coke. She refused to sit back down because she thought it would be too much trouble to get back up...LADY..your So anyways..I needed a urine specimen from her...i handed her a hat..which is a container that you collect urine in, she went in the bathroom along with her breadstick and diet coke..lololl by this time i'm laughing so hard b/c im pictureing this old lady on the toliet with a diet coke and a bread stick..Ok 15 minutes later she was out the door... and i had forgot all about the hat.. I had several more patients that needed urines...well about 5 patients later..i told my lab partner to go see where that hat was..and well it was still on the one bothered to move it...GROSS...well a few more patients..(and well look at the picture.). the hat ended up on the laughed soo hard..i don't know who put it there..but that's flippen funny!!!!

The other picture....happend a few hours later...i came to my desk and there sat a specimen for g&c and a pap on my desk.. now who in their right mind would put bodily fluids on someones' did i have a rough but halarious day...

And the cutiest quote i heard from our youngest doctor today was "neato mosquito"~..

Well i'm signing out ..


natalie said...

that is SO funny!