
School day #1

Well as you know i'm in school...i've been currently takin on-line classes until tonight. Tonight I started a new class which lasts 8-weeks. I wanted to take this class b/c the teacher is awesome, I had him over the summer. He's pretty laid back plus he's a pastor of a church and we get a long great!

I got to class tonight and there were only 14 students, a few of them I had in my last class...Lo and behold I had flippen Aaron in my class again, a kid that I had to sit next to in the last class. He was sooo annoying I don't know how many times he let the class know that he was in the "special" classes in high school. (I video tapped him sooo many times)
There was this guy/nerd tonight that looked like one of the guys on "beauty n the geek" he had Harry Potter glasses on... anyways..he had a whole handful of pennies and nickles that he kept stackin on top of each other and lining them up across the desk..i don't know what was up with
We had to get into pairs and yeah well I got paired up with tha nerd/a guy that had dip in his mouth/ and some other guy that thought he was a genius!

Mr.Engle gave us a quiz, yep on the first day and shooo nuff I was the only one with a 100%......sweetness!!! I will have to say this class is going to be interesting~!!!!!